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Winners of the EAST 100 Club
for February

1st          Peter Raspin

2nd         Scilla Dyke

3rd          Pat Smith

The trustees of EAST have decided to form a “100 Club” to help cover our running costs.  

This will have a monthly subscription of £5 for each share, and for the first year, the number of shares will be capped at 100, to be issued on a first-come -first served basis.  Membership is limited to members of EAST, to avoid the need to apply for a licence from the Gambling Commission. 

50% of the monthly takings will be paid out as prize money – with three prizes of 35%, 10% and 5% each. (If we sell all 100 tickets this would give prizes of £175, £50 and £25.)  

To keep the administration simple and transparent, all contributions will be paid into a dedicated bank account by monthly standing order or an advance payment for the whole year.  The prizes will be drawn using an electronic random number generator at a public draw with at least three “officials” (trustees and/or instructors) present. The draw will take place at the last Tuesday evening sailing session of each month (maintenance session in winter). The first draw will be at the end of January 2019. 

Prizes will then be paid by electronic transfer, and results will be posted on the EAST website. 

A full set of rules and a standing order form are attached. 


EAST One Hundred Club Rules 



 The purpose of the EAST 100 Club is to raise funds for East Anglian Sailing Trust (registered charitable incorporated organisation 1159243, “EAST”). 50% of the money will be paid into EAST’s main bank account and used to meet its running costs, including maintenance of the fleet of keelboats. The rest of the money raised will be returned as prize money. 



 1. For a cost of £5 per month (i.e. per draw) you will be allocated one number between 1 and 100. You can buy more than one number (share) should you wish, and the total number of shares will initially be limited to 100. The club will run for a year, with the first draw taking place at the end of January, and it is anticipated that a similar scheme will be arranged in future years. 

2. A draw will be made every month with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. 

3. The prizes will total 50% of the of that month’s income. 

4. This will be apportioned as: 1st Prize 35%, 2nd Prize 10% and 3rd Prize 5%. The EAST 100 Club is a Small Society Lottery: and is open to all EAST members. Anyone age 16 or over can join. 

5. Payments must be made by standing order monthly or annually in advance. 

6. Members’ numbers will only be entered if their subscription is up to date. 

7. If a member has no valid reason for missing a payment, their number may be sold to someone on the reserve list. 

8. The draw shall be made by the 100 Club co-ordinator at the last Tuesday evening keelboat sailing session every month (maintenance session in winter), and witnessed by two other members.  

9. All winnings will be paid by electronic bank transfer. 

10. All members will be notified by Email of the winning name and number. In addition, the results will appear on the EAST website & Facebook page. 

11. The 100 Club will be run by EAST. In case of any dispute the decision of the Board of Trustees is final. 

12. Unless otherwise advised, a member will be deemed to have left the 100 Club if his/her subscription renewal remains unpaid for a period of one month.  

13. If a winner cannot be contacted, the winnings will be placed into EAST funds after six months. 


Download the application form below by clicking the document and hand it in at the waterside centre.

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